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Overall concepts / package
Since the development of a vehicle is limited not to only one division (e.g. the „Car body“), but includes among other things the divisions „Chassis suspension“ and „Drive“, there are central units which attend to the complete integration or are responsible for it.
These units inform the designer about the respective influencing variables of other divisions or give him the possibility to introduce his ideas and requirements in the whole vehicle or in the division.
In order to grant a better understanding for the flow respectively the passing on of concept data to superior units, such a data flow will be described in the following including all the affected „customers“.
These are:
Package layout / Overall vehicle layout
Concept layouts
Division adapter

The working model as central interface at concept level was already described at the beginning of this chapter.
On the following pages the role and the contents of the single layouts will be described, then we will go into the related process.
Package layout / Overall vehicle layout
The package is a first illustration of the new product in the form of a drawing. This drawing or, to be precise, the overall vehicle layout contains beside a side view, a front and a rear view the essential interior parts like the seat, the steering wheel and other operating elements as well as the SAE-manikin with the seat reference point.
In the main views the space necessary for the drive and the chassis suspension is displayed. Besides, all driving vision regulations, the measuring loads, the overhang regulations and the main dimensions are integrated as well.
Apart from few exceptions, the contents are always represented with 2-dimensional geometry. These exceptions are the form lines and the description of limiting points.
To be able to work on the overall vehicle layout, we need in any case a drawing with the corresponding vehicle nets. This drawing is completed with textual notes and tables.
 Copyright by Richard Haslauer